Audience Builder Any vs All Rules
Learn how to use the Custom Audience Builder rules in Win Ads
Last Update 2 jaar geleden
The Win Ads Custom Audience Builder has powerful capabilities to create a more refined audience rule - in bulk.
Case 1 - Using "ANY": When using the "Include Any" setting, all events that have a match of at least one of the rules specified will be a match.
For example here, all products that have a tag containing the word "dog" will fit, as well as all products that have a tag containing "t-shirt'.
In this particular case, you could have also just typed in "t-shirt" as a second term in the first rule. That would be the SAME result:
Note**: If you just use a single Rule (like in the last screenshot above), the selection of Any vs All has no effect. The results will be the same.
However, if you use DIFFERENT Event Parameters you would need to use separate rules for each value, like here:
This would include all products that have a tag containing the word "dog", as well as all products that are in the collection named "t-shirt'.
Case 2 - Using "ALL": When using the "Include All" setting, matching events have to match each of the rules specified.
Meaning: Products that have a tag that contains the word "dog" and ALSO have a tag containing the word "t-shirt".
And below: Products that have a tag that contains the word "dog" and ALSO are included in the Collection "t-shirt".